A Diary Entry of a Thirty Year Old Me

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I just came early this morning from my work. I traveled from New York to Canada. I feel tired today so I checked in to a hotel and went to mall for a spa. I own this hotel so it’s okay if I go here anytime that I want. I went here every month to visit my best friend, Nathaxia Lavanson Vergara. Sometimes, we have the same schedule and place of flight that’s why we are doing are job together. We live in one house and our house were too big for usRelated image I have my own house in New York where my parents live. I also have house in Philippines and in Maldives just in case if I will go there for a vacation. When I went to a party last night, someone ask me if I have a boyfriend and if I don’t can he be, and I was like ” Oh my gosh, do I really look young at my age?” because the one who ask me that question was a teenager and that hits me a lot. I feel disappointed because I miss the old times, the old me, the young me. But even if I can’t be young again, atleast I experienced a lot of things that made my life better. I become a successful person and I’m proud to say that most of my dreams came true. I traveled to lots of places like Korea, Japan, Paris, Australia, Brazil, Maldives , Philippines and Canada together with my boyfriend and best friend. Speaking of my boyfriend, we’ve been together for 8 years and he respects my decision that I can’t be his wife for now because I’m not ready for it. He is from Canada and I met him because of Nathaxia’s boyfriend. He loves photography and he wants me to be his model when we take pictorials.Image result for james reid 2017 instagram

His name is Khalil Dreshnan and his 32 years old. I can’t imagine myself having my own family. I just gonna wait for the time that I will have one. I’m still enjoying my life as an adult so better if I just gonna enjoy and relax before stepping on the next stage of life.

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